How to counter threats to your supply chain now and in the future.
Benjamin Franklin declared that if you fail to prepare, you’re preparing to fail, and that still applies centuries later to companies like yours that use supply chains.
Speaking of Ben and his wisdom, he was also famous for writing up a “to-do” list every day and using checklists in general. Checklists today are invaluable even for professionals like seasoned fighter pilots and highly experienced surgeons. It helps ensure that you don’t miss a thing.
Here, then, is a brief checklist for companies that seek to mitigate risks today and future-proof their supply chains going forward.

Conduct a full compliance analysis
Of your product’s mandatory certifications, approvals, permits and licenses.
Establish backup suppliers
For manufacturing, logistics and raw materials. Assume there will be a sudden need for this one day.
Find alternative manufacturing options
In other countries in case of political disruptions or natural disasters. Always good for your peace of mind to have some dependable alternatives in the bullpen.
Secure insurance
On your shipments and trade-protection insurance on your orders. Both are necessary.
Form risk-sharing agreements
With your vendors so the burden doesn’t fall on just one party. You definitely have mutual interests so it makes good business to work together in that spirit.
Create liability agreements
With your vendors to resolve issues around damaged goods or products that don’t meet your specs.
Encourage your vendors
To ask for picture approvals of products before shipping. It’s yet another way of ensuring quality.
Create then implement
A comprehensive series of quality-control measures for your product. Putting quality first invariably pays off in the long run.
Vet all your vendors
To ensure they fully comply with recognized, international ethical standards. This especially includes any child-labor or worker-rights abuse. Any vendor that is problematic in one area is likely suspect in other areas as well. Doing the right thing never goes out of style.
Also vet logistics partners
To make certain they comply with local and international clearance laws.
Check to see if your vendor
Is using the wrong HTS code or committing other illegal acts like transshipments to save on taxes.
Pay all applicable duties and taxes
In a timely manner. Failure can result in fines and delays, which hurt your bottom line unnecessarily.
Require all your vendors
To sign NDAs and any intellectual-property protection agreements that may be involved. You want to rest easy knowing that your company’s ideas, methods, etc. are not up for grabs.
Verify the caliber of your vendors
Through third-party references, reviews and business-rating/compliance platforms.
Make sure you have a proper communication channel
With each vendor. A huge percentage of problems can be traced back to poor communication.
Have a backup contact person
For each of your vendors in case the primary contact person becomes unavailable for whatever reason.
Assess the financial health
Of your vendors and determine how great their risk might be of closing down.
Make certain your have
Proper payment terms in place.
Prepare transition plans
For switching vendors and even countries as needed should unexpected events take place. Try to anticipate different scenarios of what could happen.
Determine how great of threat
To your supply chain is posed by the geopolitics of the region. Prolonged disruption could be devastating.
Rate the risk assessment
For each vendor.
Evaluate the effectiveness
Of your cyber-security measures. This is a fast-changing environment in which yesterday’s prevention tools may not work today.